

Teacher Resources



  • Borders by Sajany Jinny Menon and Muna Saleh for D. G. Krutka, A. M. Whitlock, & M. Helmsing (Eds.) Keywords in the Social Studies: Concepts and Conversations
    This chapter provides a description of how border-making, border-crossing, and dwelling within borders are being perceived, experienced, spoken about, discussed, and storied in schools.
  • The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America by Richard Rothstein
    This book describes how the American government systematically imposed residential segregation with undisguised racial zoning; purposefully segregated public housing; subsidies for builders to create whites-only suburbs; tax exemptions for institutions that enforced segregation; and support for violent resistance to African Americans in white neighborhoods.
  • Decolonizing Place in Early Childhood Education by Fikile Nxumalo
    This book draws attention to the urgent need for early childhood education to critically encounter and pedagogically respond to the entanglements of environmentally damaged places, anti-blackness, and settler colonial legacies. Drawing from the author’s multi-year participatory action research with educators and children in suburban settings, the book highlights Indigenous presences and land relations within ongoing settler colonialism as necessary, yet often ignored, aspects of environmental education.
  • Engaging Geography At Every Street Corner by Bryan Smith for The Social Studies
    The researcher explores an often overlooked feature of everyday life that can serve as a powerful heuristic for young students to engage history and geography critically: everyday place-names.
  • “I Didn’t Know There Were Cities in Africa!” by Brenda Randolph & Elizabeth DeMulder for Learning for Justice
    This article explores common stereotypes about African environments, customs, traditions and cultural realities and how important it is to examine and challenge them for children.
  • Muslims & Mapping by TeachMideast
    This lesson plan helps students learn to think critically about maps by exploring the diversity of the +1 billion people who belong to the community of Muslims throughout the world.
  • by Native Land Digital
    Native Land Digital includes a searchable map to learn more about the treaties and Indigenous Nations/Peoples around the world, a teacher’s guide, and other helpful resources.
  • The True Size Tool by James Talmage and Damon Maneice
    Every map projection introduces distortion, and each has its own set of problems. Inspired by an episode of The West Wing and an infographic by Kai Krause entitled "The True Size of Africa," this tool was created to help teachers show their students just how big different parts of the world actually are.
  • Promoting Critical Thinking & Inquiry Through Maps in Elementary Classrooms by Ava L. McCall for The Social Studies
    This article encourages elementary teachers to help students critically analyze maps in order to help them become well-informed and civic-minded citizens.
  • Seeing Through Maps: Many Ways to See The World by Denis Wood, Ward L. Kaiser, & Bob Abramms
    This book challenges the popular world-view by questioning a number of map images and the specific messages they communicate.
  • Whose Culture Has Capital? by Tara Yosso for Race Ethnicity and Education
    This article epxlores various forms of capital nurtured through cultural wealth, including aspirational, navigational, social, linguistic, familial and resistant capital. This approach to education involves a commitment to develop schools that acknowledge the multiple strengths of Communities of Color in order to serve a larger purpose of struggle toward social and racial justice.
  • Local Culture Guides by Wisconsin Teachers of Local Culture
    By uncovering the connections between local culture and the curriculum, this website offers integrated lessons and resources for students and teachers that link with academic standards and place specific, local knowledge in a broad context.
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