Antisemitism & Religious Intolerance from Facing History Facing Ourselves
Using the history of antisemitism to start dialogue with students, this curricular resource helps teachers examine the power this ancient hatred has to the shape thought, judgement, and behavior around the globe. Find connections between historic debates over religious liberty and contemporary global tensions over faith, identity, citizenship, and immigration.
Challenge Islamophobia from Teaching for Change
Most teaching resources and teacher workshops about Islam and Muslims focus on increasing knowledge of religious texts, beliefs, and rituals rather than addressing the root causes of Islamophobia. This project addresses that gap by placing Islamophobia firmly within a U.S. context and shared cultural history. The lessons are designed to avoid the need for a facilitator with specialized knowledge in Islamic studies.
Día de los Muertos from
The goal is to build the world’s most authoritative website for the Day of the Dead. All of the content on the site comes from professional writers based in Mexico that have experienced the holiday first-hand and were excited to share their knowledge from personal experience and academic research.
Diwali in the Classroom: A Parent’s Perspective by Gauri Manglik for Learning for Justice
Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, is celebrated by more than a billion people all over the world. Here are a few ways you can teach your students about Diwali—and promote multicultural understanding.
UAINE is a Native-led organization of Native people and supporters who fight back against racism and support Indigenous struggles throughout the Americas. The site includes educational resources to debunk the Pilgrim mythology and teach about the National Day of Mourning, fight against racist team names and mascots in sports, and iinvite UAINE guest speakers to schools.
Native America Resources (Wampanoag & Thanksgiving) from Mayflower 400
The Mayflower 400 commemoration, a collaboration between four nations (the Wampanoag, US, UK, and Netherlands) explored the legacy of the Mayflower and the impacts of the voyage. This set of resources goes far beyond the story of the ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ and the one-dimensional version of the Mayflower voyage to examine the history of four nations from multiple angles, exploring the experiences of those impacted and telling of the ruthless consequences of colonization.
Kwanzaa: Black Power & the Making of an African American Holiday Tradition by Keith A. Mayes
Since 1966, Kwanzaa has been celebrated as a Black holiday tradition—an annual recognition of cultural pride in the African American community. This book explores the political beginning and later expansion of Kwanzaa, from its start as a Black Power holiday, to its current place as one of the most mainstream of the black holiday traditions.
Teaching About Ramadan and Eid by Gauri Manglik & Sadaf Siddique for Learning for Justice
Teaching students about diverse cultural and religious traditions holds a host of benefits, including increased empathy and kindness. This article explores how to do so in this time of heightened anti-Muslim bias.
What Is Cinco de Mayo? by Lauryn Mascareñez for Learning for Justice
Mexican culture cannot be reduced to tacos, oversized sombreros and piñatas. This article encourages educators to do better with specific ideas for teaching the holiday.