UAINE is a Native-led organization of Native people and supporters who fight back against racism and support Indigenous struggles throughout the Americas. The site includes educational resources to debunk the Pilgrim mythology and teach about the National Day of Mourning, fight against racist team names and mascots in sports, and iinvite UAINE guest speakers to schools.
Native America Resources (Wampanoag & Thanksgiving) from Mayflower 400
The Mayflower 400 commemoration, a collaboration between four nations (the Wampanoag, US, UK, and Netherlands) explored the legacy of the Mayflower and the impacts of the voyage. This set of resources goes far beyond the story of the ‘Pilgrim Fathers’ and the one-dimensional version of the Mayflower voyage to examine the history of four nations from multiple angles, exploring the experiences of those impacted and telling of the ruthless consequences of colonization.